The association of municipalities of Northeast Iceland - SSNE
SSNE - The association of municipalities of Northeast Iceland (SSNE) is a centre point for regional development for the region. The association has 10 member municipalities and our role is to promote and support lively communities, vibrant cultural scenes and strong economic activity in the area. We act as a bridge between government, municipalities and the private sector. The association has placed increased importance on environmental matters in the recent years. In that regard, a new section dedicated to environmental matters has been added to the 5-year strategy plan for the region.
Additionally, we have recently formed a new environmental committee with representation from the municipalities and local industry experts that will focus on assessment of environmental matters in the region, followed by recommendations on strategic plan and an action plan to follow. One of SSNE´s largest investment in the development of environmental projects has been through Eimur which we are the founding member of. A representative of SSNE is on the board of Eimur as well as SSNE´s managing director is in the project management team.
The purpose of the co-operation is to support the economy and to increase the value of the region, its goods, and resources, with an emphasis on sustainability, green solutions, innovation, and technology.