
Postonja Municipality has many years of experience in project management and coordination. A task group has been set up with professionals from the law, finance, construction, investment, urban planning and IT fields of expertise, and a PR officer, which enables the Municipality to conduct all project management stages on its own, i.e. project application, realization and execution, as well as final reports and promotion. The employees' educational structure is at a reasonably high level, i.e. 45 % of employees are at educational level VI or VII (equivalent of higher education / bachelor degrees).

Work on individual projects is carried out by project teams whose members depend on the content of each individual project, i.e. project manager, legal matter manager, financial manager etc. At our disposal we have all of the necessary infrastructure, IT, technical equipment, premises required for all of the activities, as well as personnel for successful project implementation.

The Municipality of Postojna conducts the work and tasks from its field on the basis of the municipal budget allocated by the Municipal Council. The municipality has many years of experience in the field of project management and coordination. A working group was established with experts in the field of law, finance, construction, investment, urbanism and informatics, as well as a public relations officer, which enables the Municipality to independently carry out all phases of project management.

In the last 10 years, we have participated in more than 30 projects co-financed by the European Cohesion Funds and Cooperation Programs (Interreg). As a leading partner in WP5 of the HERA project (IPA Adriatic), we have gained experience and competencies of a leading partner, we are currently project partners in the Interreg IT-SLO 2014-2020 program on CROSSIT SAFER, VISFRIM and GREVISLIN projects and project partners in ARRIVAL REGIONS, Interreg program Central Europe 2014-2020.

The municipality also successfully participates in projects at the local and regional level: Business Incubator Veliki Otok, Construction and arrangement of roads Hruševje-Orehek-Prestranek, Kosovelova-Tržaška-Reška ulica, Library Beno Zupančič Postojna, construction of broadband EC, Notranjska Museum, Cultural Center Planina, KRAS.RE.VITA.

