Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden

Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden - ESS is owned by municipalities and regions in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg counties in the southeast of Sweden, and municipalities in the Skåne county.

Since the establishment in 1999 the aim is to support and facilitate improvements in energy efficiency and increase the supply of renewable energy sources, through initiatives and activities towards private and public operators.

The goal for the activities and initiatives is that local and regional energy and climate targets are reached, thus creating conditions for achieving the goals on national and EU level. The initiatives are mainly operated by European or national funded projects, ESS has a history of being partner in more than 60 European projects.

To be able to support our vision of a sustainable energy system in our region ESS have a wide range of expertise. The experts have technical knowledge within sustainable transports and fuels, energy efficient housing and building, biomass for heat and power, solar energy, wind power and much more. The field of expertise also covers behavioural changes, strategic planning, sustainable procurement, circular economy, and sustainable business development.

